Original Article

Year : 2023 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 1 | Page : 50-60

Clinical estimation of the anticaries effect of probiotic toothpaste among 18-25 years old young adults- A double-blinded randomized controlled trial

Balambiga B 1 Umesh K 2 Sangeeta Chavan 3 Palanivel Pandian R 4 Prem Kumar P 5

1* Post Graduate student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Best Dental Science College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 2 Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, RVS Dental College and Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 3 Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Best Dental Science College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 4 Reader, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Best Dental Science College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 5 Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Best Dental Science College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Address for Correspondence:

Balambiga B,

Post Graduate student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Best Dental Science College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

Email-Id: bala19967396@gmail.com


Aim & Objectives:

The aim and objective of the study was to estimate the anticaries effect of probiotic toothpaste by assessing the Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus levels and by recording indices before and after intervention among 18-25 years old young adults.

Materials and Methods :

A double-blinded, randomized controlled trial was carried out among thirty healthy volunteers of young adults in the city of Madurai. The subjects were randomly divided into two equal groups of A and B. At baseline, samples of saliva were collected to check Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus levels and indices like Oral Hygiene Index (1960), Modified Turesky Plaque Index (1970), Stain Index (1968) and Gingival Index (1963) were recoded. Group A received Conventional toothpastes (Colgate cavity protection) and Group B received Probiotic toothpaste (Purexa). For the next 15 days, they were instructed to brush using only the allotted toothpastes. The saliva sample collection and recording of indices were repeated after 15 days post-intervention.

Results :

Gingival and oral hygiene indices showed significant differences of mean in Group B (0.14, 0.28; p<0.05 respectively). A significant difference of means was noted between Group A and B in the case of Plaque, Stain, Oral Hygiene indices and the bacterial count (Lactobacilli and Streptococcus mutans) (A :0.10, -0.12, 0.01; B :0.06, 0.09, 0.28 and -12.8, -14.8 ; p<0.05 respectively).

Conclusion :

The probiotic toothpastes illustrated a significant reduction of Lactobacillus, Streptococcus mutans bacterial count, Stain, Plaque and Oral Hygiene index scores compared to conventional toothpastes.

Keywords: probiotic, anticaries, toothpaste, adults

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest

How to Cite this article : B, B., Umesh K, Sangeeta Chavan, R Palanivel Pandian, & P Prem Kumar. (2023). Clinical estimation of anticaries effect of probiotic toothpaste among 18-25 years old young adults- A double blinded randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Community Dentistry, 11(1), 50–60. https://doi.org/10.56501/intjcommunitydent.v11i1.852


Original Article


Original Article