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The Editorial Process
Submission Guidelines IJERD
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
The manuscript must be written in UK English.
The use of acronyms and abbreviations is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum. When used, they should be defined when used for the first time and should be followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses.
Measurements and laboratory values should be in the International System of Units (SI). p values should be reported up to three decimal places. p values less than 0.001, should be reported as “p < 0.001.”
Articles should be in Microsoft Word format (doc or Docx) only. Other file formats will not be accepted at the time of uploading the article.
Font size should be 12. The text should be double spaced on A4 or „Letter‟ size paper with normal margins.
References should be in Vancouver style, numbering the references consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.
In tables, all abbreviations should be defined independently in the footnote in alphabetical order. All tables should have clear labelling.
All figures should have clear labelling. All abbreviations should be defined independently in the footnote in alphabetical order. If an already published figure is being used, the original source must be revealed in the figure legend. Figures should be embedded within the text during the initial submission. High-quality images can be submitted after acceptance. All images related to one patient should have the same figure number and use English letters after the numerals to distinguish each image, e.g., Fig. 1A, 1B, 1C, and so on. Remove all names and all other identifiers of the patient, authors, and authors' institutions from the figures.
For word counts and number of tables/images etc., see below.
Type of Article
A. Original Research Article
[Clinical Trial, Meta-Analysis, Intervention Study, Cohort Study, Case-Control Study, Epidemiologic Assessment, Survey with High Response Rate, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Decision Analysis, Study of Screening and Diagnostic Tests, Other Observational Study] A. Word Limit- 3000 words excluding abstract and references.
B. Number of Tables and Images- Approximately 5 including both tables and images. C. Should have the following sections-
a. Abstract- Should not be more than 250-300 words long. Should be briefly written under the following five sections-
i. Background
ii. Methods
iii. Results
iv. Conclusions
v. Keywords
b. Background
c. Methods
d. Results
e. Discussion
f. Conclusions
g. Acknowledgement (if applicable)
h. Appendix (if applicable)
i. References- Should be in Vancouver Style. Up to 40 references.
B. Review Article
[Systematic Review (without meta-analysis), Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment, Narrative Review]
A. Word Limit- 4000 words excluding abstract and references.
B. Number of Tables and Images- Approximately 5 including both tables and images. C. Abstract- Should not be more than 250-300 words long.
D. References- Should be in Vancouver Style. Up to 50 references.
E. Should include a PRISMA style flow diagram (where ever applicable)
F. Include a table with ratings of the quality of studies / evidence.
G. Sub-title should include the phrase 'A Systematic Review' / 'Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment' / 'A Review' as applicable.
C. Case Report
A. Word Limit- 2000 words excluding references
B. Tables and Images- Approximately 5 including both tables and images. C. Should be written under the following headings (minor changes allowed)- a. Presentation of Case
b. Clinical Diagnosis
c. Differential Diagnosis
d. Pathological Discussion
e. Discussion of Management
f. Final Diagnosis
g. References- Should be in Vancouver Style. Up to 25 references.
Authorship Criteria
To ensure authorship for the submitted manuscripts, the contributors should meet the following three conditions:
Conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data has been done by the author
Either drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content has been done by the author
The final approval of the version to be published has been given by the author. Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to be allowed to take public responsibility for suitable portions of the content.
Naming Order for Contributors
The order of naming of the contributors should be based on the relative contribution of the contributor towards the study and the writing of the manuscript. Once submitted, the order cannot be changed without the written consent of all the contributors.
Number of Contributors
In the event of a study carried out in a single institute, the number of contributors should not exceed eight. For case-reports, images, letters to the editor, and review articles, the number of contributors should not exceed five. There should be a written justification if the number of contributors exceeds five. If IJERD feels necessary it may ask for a description of the contribution of authors towards the manuscript.
Submission of an Article Should Include
1. Title page
2. Copyright form
3. Ethical Clearance Certificate (where ever applicable)
4. Informed consent forms (where ever applicable)
5. Data Sharing Statement (where ever applicable)
6. Abstract page
7. Article