Original article

Year : 2022 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 2 | Page : 29-35

Perception of exodontia among dentists – A questionnaire survey

N S Harini

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Saveetha Insitute of Medical and Technical Sciences,Saveetha University, Chennai, TamilNadu, India.

Address for Correspondence:

Dr. NS Harini,

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, India

E-mail: nsharini22@gmail.com



The aim and objective of the study istoassessthe most difficult tooth to extract and the frequent complications faced by the dentists during dental extraction, the instruments used forextraction of upper and lower third molar, and the preference of antibiotics and analgesic by the dentists.

Materials and Methods:

A surveyhad been conducted among 50 dentists to assess the perception of exodontia. Questionnaire survey which includes nine questions. The analysiswas statistically analyzed and represented with bar graph diagram.


Among 50 dentists, 13 dentists (P = 0.069) that the most difficult tooth to extract according to them was upper left second molar and another 13 dentists (P = 0.069) opted that upper left third molar was the most difficult tooth to extract. Root fracture is the most common complication according the dentists conducted in the survey (P = 0.015). Cryers are mostly been selected during the extraction of upper third molar (P = 0.126) and Coupland elevators are mostly used for exodontia of lower third molar (P = 0.713). The normal blood glucose level range to select patients for extraction lies mostly on 70–110 mg/dL where41 dentists among 50 of them opted for this range (P = 0.152).


Our study answers the difficulties andcommon questionable issues that arise in dental extraction. Awareness must be created about the medical issues like normal blood pressure range among dentists to be increased.




There are no conflicts of interest.

How to cite: N S Harinil.Perception of exodontia among dentists –A questionnaire survey. Int J Soc Rehab 2022;7(2) :36-44. doi:https://doi.org/10.56501/intjsocrehab.v7i2.626


Original Article


Original article