Original Article

Year : 2018 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | Page : 10 - 13

Hospital‐Based Corneal Retrieval at Shimla Hills: AnEffectiveAlternative to Improve

Eye Donation ‐ Retrospective Analysis of an Eye Bank Data

Ram Lal Sharma, Kalpana Sharma, Shashi Sharma, Shagun Korla

Department of Ophthalmology, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Kalpana Sharma,

Department of Ophthalmology, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India.

E‐mail: doctorkalpana.84@gmail.com



The retrospective analysis of eye bank data was done in terms of sociodemographic profile, topography, and types of donations for procurement.

Materials and Methods:

The data of 6 years’ period from 2011 to 2016 were retrieved from the records available in the eye bank of the Department of Ophthalmology IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India.


There were 100 eye donations during this period in which 48 were males and 52 were females. Most of the donors belong to the age group of 60–80 years (n = 45), the corneal grade was B + in most of the cases (39%). The number of donors with rural background was more (71%) than that of donors with the urban background (29%) as the population profile of the state is mostly rural. The hospital‐based motivational eye donations constituted as many as 91 eye donations and 9 only were voluntary.


Hospital corneal retrieval program is the main source of eye donations as the difficult hilly terrains of the state, and harsh clmatic conditions in winters limit the home-based retrieval of corneas. If hospital-based deaths are converted to eye donation, it can overcome the demand-supply gap in corneal blindness.

Keywords: Corneal retrieval, motivational, retrospective

How to cite this article: Sharma RL, Sharma K, Sharma S, Korla S. Hospital-based corneal retrieval at Shimla hills: An effective alternative to improve eye donation - retrospective analysis of an eye bank data. Int J Soc Rehab 2018;3:10-3.


Original Article


Original Article