Original research
Year : 2020 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 9 - 13
SanmathiS.E.Student, Vivekanandha Dental College for Women, Elaiyampalayam, Tamil Nadu
Address of correspondence:
Dr. SanmathiS.E.Vivekanandha Dental College for Women, Elaiyampalayam, Tamil NaduE-Mail Id: sesanmathi@gmail.com
Aim & Obectives- The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between teeth shade and gingival shade among different ethnicity.
Materials & Methods- Three groups participated in the study. Each group comprised of the people of different ethinicity. Extra oral profile pictures of 30 indifferent people of three different ethnicities were collected. Shade guide was used to determine the pink component and white component. Gingival shade and teeth shade of different ethinicity were analyzed stastically.
Results & Conclusion- There is a correlation between gingival shade and tooth shade among the population studied. Study indicates the positive correlation between the skin colour, hair colour, ethinicity, and associated gingival shade to tooth shade. By knowing the relationship between tooth shade and gingival shade, an operator can provide a prosthesis which is more esthetic. It also helps in fabrication of prosthesis with gingival component where teeth has gingival recession.
Gingiva, Shade guide, Ethnicity, Colour, Ginigival recession
Conflict of Interest-None
Source of Funding-None
How To Cite This Article: SanmathiS.E.. Assessment of Estheticsfrom Three Different Ethnicity. Int J ProsthoRehabil 2020; 1: 1:9-13
Received: 22-03-20; Accepted: 28-04-20; Web Published: 13-06-2020