Original Research

Year : 2022 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | Page : 57-62

Evaluating the shortest and most efficacious decontaminating method for endodontic files in Pediatric dentistry

Andrea Natalia Mascarenhas1, Priya Nagar2, Chandana Krishna Shree C3, Pooja H.R4

1,3,4. Postgraduate student, 2 Professor& Head of Department, Department of Pedodontics, Krishna devaraya College of Dental Sciences, Hunasamaranahalli, International Airport Road, Bangalore 562157.

Address for Correspondence:

Dr.Andrea Natalia Mascarenhas,

Postgraduate student, Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Krishna deva Raya College of Dental Sciences, Hunasamaranahalli, International Airport Road, Bangalore 562157.




To compare and evaluate the effectiveness of various pre-sterilizing techniques used for the sterilization of endodontic files used intermittently in between patients in the dental operatory.

Materials and Methods:

The current study involved investigating the effectiveness of 4 methods of pre-sterilizing endodontic files: Control group: no sterilization procedure was performed; Group A- chemical sterilization (with Glutaraldehyde), Group B- Autoclave, Group C- Ultraviolet Chamber and Group D- Ethanol. A total of 50 endodontic files for 10 patients indicated for pulp therapy in primary deciduous molars with 4 root canals each were selected for the study. After access opening, pulp was extirpated by 5 files each per patient.

After access opening, 40 root canals in 10 patients were cleaned and shaped using conventional techniques. Each file was then allotted to each group and sterilized by the above mentioned methods and assessed for sterility by putting it in eppendorf tubes containing Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth and incubating it at 37oC for 24 hours. The bacterial cultures were then measured for their optical densities using the spectrophotometer. 


Maximum decrease in microbial cultures was noted in the Autoclave group followed by the Glutaraldehyde group with a non-significant difference. Ethanol and UV sterilization had non- significant results among them but were significantly different from Autoclave and Glutaraldehyde.


Pre sterilization of files is an important step especially in these times and can be easily achieved by various methods.


Cold sterilization , Optical density, Spectrophotometry, 70% Isopropyl Alcohol




There are no conflicts of interest

How to cite this article: Mascarenhas, A. N., Nagar, P. ., Krishna Shree CH, C. ., & H.R, P. . (2022). Evaluating the shortest and most efficacious decontaminating method for endodontic files in Pediatric dentistry: ASEPSIS OF ENDODONTIC FILES IN PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY. International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation, 7(1), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.56501/intjpedorehab.v7i1.484


Case report


Original Research