Case Report

Year : 2018 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 2 | Page : 53 - 55

Fibrolipoma of the Labial Mucosa: An Uncommon Variant of a Ubiquitous Tumor

Srikanth Hanasoge Srivathsa

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Sri Hasanamba Dental College and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Srikanth Hanasoge Srivathsa,



Lipoma, a benign tumor originating from the adipocytes, is commonly seen in many parts of the human body. Oral cavity is not a favored location for the occurrence of lipomas. Histopathologically, many variants have been described based on the presence of other components. Fibrolipoma is one such variant where the adipocytes are admixed with fibrous component. It appears as an asymptomatic growth anywhere on the oral mucosa in middle‐aged individuals. A case of this variant in a 52‐year‐old male patient is being reported.

Keywords: Adipocytes, adipocytic tumor, fibrolipoma, lipoma

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There are no conflicts of interest.

How to cite this article:

Srivathsa SH. Fibrolipoma of the labial mucosa: An uncommon variant of a ubiquitous tumor. Int J OrofacBiol 2018;2:53-5.


Case Report


Original Article