Review Article
Year : 2023 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 2 | Page : 30-41
Beryl Rachel J1, Gowthami Jawahar2, Deborah Percy3, SamuelrajChrysolite4
1Research officer , Celutron Innovations Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India2CEO and Founder, Celutron Innovations Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India3Head of Research, Celutron Innovations Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India4Chief Technical Officer, CelutronInnovations Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
Address for Correspondence:
Dr Gowthami Jawahar
CEO and Founder, Celutron Innovations Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
3D bio-printing involves directly depositing a mixture of high-density living cells and a bio-ink is printed out in an overlapping process by the 3D bio-printer, which is under the design and control of computer. The term bioprinting describes the simultaneous positioning of biomaterials and living cells in a prescribed layer by layer stacking organization to create engineered tissue and organs. The process of Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogels (FRESH) is a printing method that extrudes bio inks into a yield-stress support bath that holds the bio inks in place until they cure. In-situ 3D bioprinting is a kind of bio-printing which is directly printed onto or into the damaged tissue or organ. This review specifically focuses the current development of FRESH bioprinting and in situ bioprinting and the various challenges and legal considerations in this field.
Keywords: Gender Determination, Gonial Angle, Mental Foramen, Panoramic Radiographs, Lateral Cephalogram.
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Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest
How to Cite this Article: Beryl Rachel J, Gowthami Jawahar, Deborah Percy, & Samuelraj Chrysolite. (2023). ROLE OF 3-D BIOPRINTING IN FORENSICS- A REVIEW. International Journal of Forensic Odontology, 8(2), 30–41.