Original Article

Year : 2019 | Volume : 4 | Issue : 2 | Page :68 - 72

Establishment of Sexual Dimorphism Using Maxillary Canine of the University of Maiduguri Students, Nigeria

Saleh Nuhu, Babagana Mohammed Dalori1, Lawan Hassan Adamu2, Mohammed Alhaji Buba

From the Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, 2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano State, 1 Department of Human Anatomy, College of Medical Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Address for correspondence:

Mr. Saleh Nuhu, E‐mail: nuhusaleh88@gmail.com



Sex determination is one of the key tools used by forensic odontologists for identification of mass disaster victims. Teeth are the hardest structure in the body that will resist biological, chemical, and mechanical degradation for a considerable period of time.


This study was aimed at establishing sexual dimorphism in maxillary canine tooth parameters among the Northeastern Nigerian population in the University of Maiduguri and to compare the percentage of sexual dimorphism with ethnic populations.

Materials and Methods:

The study was conducted on 208 students consisting of 102 males and 106 females of the University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. The measurements of the greatest mesiodistal (MD) width of the maxillary canine and the intercanine distance were done using the Vernier caliper with a resolution of 0.02 mm and a divider with a fixing device.


It was observed that in all the maxillary parameters considered, males tend to have statistically significant higher mean value compared to the female counterpart. Left maxillary canine width exhibited a higher percentage of sexual dimorphism among the parameters measured.


The MD and intercanine distance in maxillary canine were sexually dimorphic among the students of the University of Maiduguri, Northeastern Nigeria.

Key Words: Maxillary canine, Nigeria, sexual dimorphism

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

How to cite this article:

Nuhu S, Dalori BM, Adamu LH, Buba MA. Establishment of sexual dimorphism using maxillary canine of the university of Maiduguri students, Nigeria. Int J Forensic Odontol 2019;4:68-72.


Original Article


Original Article